The Men of Iron Minute

by Steve Glick | Director of Marketing Strategy

Building Spiritual Disciplines as a Family

Leading your family spiritually may sound like an intimidating feat, especially if it’s something you have never done before. However, don’t make it more complicated than it needs to be.

Here are a few practical tips to get you started.

Reading the Bible or a devotional as a family is a great place to start. This practice can become a great spiritual discipline for your family. A friend of mine has been meeting with his two older kids at 6:00 am each morning to read a chapter in Proverbs. He established this discipline as a requirement when they first started, however, it’s now optional for them. If they want to get up and be part of the reading, then they know where they need to be at 6:00 am. They follow up the reading with a discussion on that particular chapter. This is a phenomenal habit and discipline to instill into our families!

If you are the father of younger kids, your approach will probably look much different. Maybe it’s reading a Bible story before nap or before bedtime. Or my personal favorite is jamming out to some Brandon Lake in the kitchen. This is an easy and fun time of worship with the kids!

If you want to better understand what God says about your role in your family, check out Family: Restored. A 5-week online devotional that will guide you into how to lead your family. SIGN-UP TODAY!


Whatever phase of life you’re in, you have what it takes to lead your family spiritually. 


Far too often we allow others to teach our kids about Jesus. Men, we have to stop relying on the Church for our kid’s spiritual training. 

Donald S. Whitney says it perfectly at the end of his introduction in Family Worship

“Having your family in a Christ-exalting, gospel-centered, Bible-teaching local church is crucial to Christian parenting. But it is not enough for conveying to your family all you want to teach them about God and your beliefs. Moreover, it is unlikely that exposure  to the church once or twice a week will impress your children enough with the greatness and glory of God that they will want to pursue him once they leave your home.

This is why this topic is so important. But even more importantly,


“God deserves to be worshiped daily in our homes by our families.”


Men – let’s model worship and prayer for our families. Let’s lead and guide them in a spiritual journey. Our children are watching. They will imitate our every move. They will follow us into the unknown. They desperately desire your leadership and strength. It’s in you. Find it. Accept it. Embrace it.





Family: Restored. A 5-week online devotional to help you to understand what God says about your role in your family SIGN-UP TODAY!