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The Men of Iron Minute

by Chad Zueck | Director of Content Creation

Good Leaders are Dependable

 John was known throughout the town as a faith-filled, dependable man. John was the first person they called when someone needed help with a project, whether it was fixing a leaky roof or mowing a widow’s yard. One day, a severe storm hit the town. Many residents’ homes were damaged, and the roads were blocked with debris. The town was in a state of chaos, like clockwork, John didn’t hesitate to step up and help.

He spent the entire day and night helping his neighbors clear debris from their yards and put those hideous blue tarps on their gaping roofs. He also worked with the town’s emergency responders to help clear the roads so the power crews could go to work. John’s dependability and willingness to help his neighbors inspired others to step up and lend a hand. Soon the entire town was working together to recover from the storm. John’s leadership inspired others to act. As the sun rose the next morning, the town looked vastly different from the one the storm had hit. Thanks to John’s efforts and the hard work of the town’s residents, the town was quickly getting back on its feet. John’s main driving force is his faith. John is drawn to Jesus’ model of servant leadership. Jesus’ words have been seared into his heart, “Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant, 27 and whoever wants to be first among you must become your slave. 28 For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Matthew 20:26-28, NLT


From that day forward, John was regarded as a hero in the town. His faith, dependability, and willingness to help others in times of need significantly impacted the community.


Good leadership and dependability are always compelling. 

Deepen your walk so others can depend on you.


Dare greatly.

Live humbly.

Be a better man.




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