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The Men of Iron Minute

by Chad Zueck | Director of Content Creation

Let Downs

A trope runs around my mind like a hyped dog trapped in a small yard. It goes like this. “Hurting people. Hurt people.” American author and motivational speaker Dr. Robert Holden is attributed with this bit of truth. I want to disagree. I desire a wrestling match with the notion. I long to destroy this assertion. But I can’t. I have felt the weight of its truth, and sadly, I have made others feel the wrath of my pain. I have passed the weight of my pain onto people I dearly care about, and it was all my fault. How can we make things right? As Paul said, “Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification.” (Romans 14:19, NIV) Making peace is not a passive endeavor.

It is impossible to achieve reconciliation without forgiveness. When conflicts occur, emotional scars are left behind, and many individuals continue to suffer from the wounds inflicted upon them by others. While some people do not know how to let go of the past and forgive from the heart, others have chosen not. They hold onto their anger to safeguard themselves from being hurt again, but ultimately, they only end up hurting themselves.

Forgiveness is the key to freeing both the offender and the offended, and failing to forgive only keeps one captive to the pain. We will forever ask for forgiveness when we have failed and expect forgiveness when we ask for it. This is what it means to be a man of the Way.


Forgive brothers. That’s the way to freedom.


Do something.

Dare greatly.

Be a better man.





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