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Men of Iron Podcast

Chase the Super Human Life Feat. Frank Rich| EP. 69

Live your legacy!” // Frank Rich


On EP. 69 of the Men of Iron Podcast, Chad sits down with Frank Rich. Frank is an online fitness entrepreneur, fitness author, certified trainer & nutrition coach, and bodybuilder. After battling addiction, depression, and anxiety for over 20 years, Frank is on a mission to help men take back control of their lives, through the power of faith and fitness.

Find out more about Frank >>>

“Want do you want the story of your life to be? Live your legacy!” // Frank Rich

EP. 69 is brought to you by Brookside Brothers. Brookside Brothers are a full-service residential remodeler serving the Lancaster, PA area since 1999. They’ve tackled many jobs big and small and will work with you through the entire process to ensure you get the exact space that you’ve been dreaming of. Check them out on Instagram at brookside.brothers to see some of their amazing work. Go to for your next home project.


  • Frank has dedicated himself to helping 100,000 men build what he defines as a Massthetic PHYSIQUE. 
  • “Any person is a body builder if they utilize training and techniques to change your body, mind or spirit.” Frank Rich
  • Like most people, Frank looked at building his body as a way to overcome insecurities and self-confidence issues. 
  • Frank Rich, “I am a student of personal growth.”
  • Frank struggled with addiction for 20+ years. Exposed to porn at 6-7 years old.
  • The average age of first exposure was 13.37 years of age with the youngest exposure as early as 5 and the latest older than 26. More men indicated their first exposure was accidental (43.5 percent) than intentional (33.4 percent) or forced (17.2 percent).
  • “A guy who experiences freedom will naturally want to help others experience freedom.” C. N. Zueck
  • “Want do you want the story of your life to be?” Frank Rich
  • “Live your legacy!” Frank Rich
  • “People are going to stand up and say nice things about you when you die, and you can control if it’s true.” C. N. Zueck
  • “You can control if it’s true, and you can control how many people will say good things to say.” Frank Rich
  • “You will be a man but you must do the work to become good at being a man.” C. N. Zueck
  • “We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:5 ESV
  • Romans 12:2: “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind” (NIV).
  • Books mentioned in this podcast: Atomic Habits by James Clear, The Willpower Instinct by Kelly McGonigal, The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg
  • The more you do the thing you want to do, the easier it becomes and the less of a need of a coach. This is the flywheel effect of willpower. C. N. Zueck