1. What is the difference between a Mentor and Protégé?
a. A mentor is a man willing to walk alongside a protégé for at least 12 months and provide accountability for him. A protégé is a man willing to set goals and experience accountability from his mentor.

2. What is the difference between a Director and Mentor?
a. A director is a man overseeing and supporting mentors at a high level. It is encouraged, although not required that a director is also a mentor himself.

3. Can a Director be a Mentor?
a. Yes, Men of Iron encourages all directors to also serve as mentors. Directors who serve as mentors are able to share experiences and speak firsthand of their involvement in Strong27™.

4. How do I get this started at my church?
a. Visit the Get Involved page and click on Church Partner “Contact Us.”

5. Can I start this with a small group?
a. Men of Iron has developed the Strong27™ to work in a “1-to-1″ or “Micro-Group” setting which is defined as one Mentor for 2-3 protégés, at most. If you are looking to get this started in a group larger than that, we encourage you to split your group into 1-to-1 or Micro Groups, and meet as the small group quarterly.

6. Does Men of Iron have materials for women?
a. Men of Iron has been called to transform a culture one man at a time. And while we believe this has significant impact on women, we do not provide materials for women. We recommend Lineage of Love as a great resource for women.

7. How long does the Strong27™ outline take?
a. The Strong27™ experience has been developed to follow a 12-month timeline. We do not suggest less than 12 months, however, there are many mentorships that last beyond the 12-month mark. If that is the case, visit our online store to purchase a new mentorship guide.

8. How long should my meetings be?
a. We suggest between one and one and a half hours.

9. What happens if your Mentor or Protégé is not putting in the required effort?
a. First, discuss this with your mentor or protégé directly and revisit the Iron Covenant you both signed and recommit yourselves to the mentorship. If that does not work, reach out to the director overseeing your mentorship and ask for his help to get your mentorship back on track.

10. Can I be a protégé for more than one year?
a. Yes, you can be a protégé for multiple years in a row. However, we suggest that if you’re experiencing growth as a result of mentorship that you prayerfully consider becoming a mentor at some point in order to multiply impact in others.

11. Do I have to be a Christian to go through Strong27™?
a. You do not have to be a “Christian” (someone who has accepted the Lord as their Savior) to be a protégé in Strong27. We do ask that all mentors be committed to Christ as their Lord and Savior.

12. What if I cannot afford the Strong27™ Package?
a. Talk to your church or community director to discuss your specific financial situation. For individuals or those unable to receive financial help from your church or community director, contact Men of Iron. We do not want the cost to be a barrier to getting involved in a mentorship.

13. When can I break confidentiality in my mentorship?
a. You can break confidentiality if your mentor/protege gives you permission, if they have/will hurt themselves or someone else, or if they have committed a reportable crime.

14. Is Men Of Iron a Non-Profit Organization?
a. Men of Iron is a 501c3 – meaning that we are a non-profit and all donations to Men of Iron are tax deductible.

15. Does Men Of Iron have promotional material that I can use at my church or in my community?
a. Yes, Men of Iron has a Promo page. Please follow the instructions on that page.

16. How do I know which package to purchase?
a. Go to the Get Involved page and determine how you would like to get involved. It is really up to you, you can bring it to your church, friends, or just get started with another man! Men of Iron is here to help support you and answer any questions you may have as your purchase your package.

17. How can I unsubscribe from Men of Iron emails? 
a. You can manage your Men of Iron email subscriptions here.