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Good Morning!

Here are 6 steps to building a stronger faith foundation!

Men build a stronger faith foundation when we… 

  1. Consistently read and study GOD’S WORD 
    • Be sure to download the Through the Word app on your smartphone. Kris and his team will help you read the Bible, understand it, apply it and make it a habit. 

       2. Regularly communicate with God through PRAYER 

    • Don’t make prayer more difficult than it needs to be. Go for a walk and talk to God. Get in the car and talk to Him. Talk to Him while you’re in the tree stand. Go to W.A.R. – worship, admit and request. 

         3. Fight to discern God’s plan through SOLITUDE 

    • Stepping away in solitude gives each of us the opportunity to find the direction God wants us to go and to discern what His plans are for our lives. 

          4. Commit to JOURNALING our thoughts, emotions and prayers 

    • Don’t find excuses to not journal. Try it before you knock it.  

          5. SERVE others with our gifts, talents and resources 

    • Our actions speak louder than words, and as men, we must strive to put others needs above our own. How well are you serving your family, friends, co-workers, and community leaders? 

6. MULTIPLY the kingdom by helping others grow spiritually 

    • The Great Commission is the most vital mission Jesus communicated to his disciples. But this command from Jesus wasn’t just for his disciples. It’s for me and you, too. 

Session 1 is done, fellas. What are your 2-3 FAITH goals/action steps? Share them with your mentor, protégé, micro group or small group. If you’re flying solo on this challenge, then be sure to post them on A Men of Iron Community on Facebook. 

Stay tuned for Session 2 – Family. 

With Gratitude, 

The Men of Iron Team