The Iron Sharpens Iron t-shirt!!


Good Morning!


More often than not, we model the habits and behaviors for our own families that were modeled to us – some good, some bad, some ugly. 

This results in A LOT of broken men trying to lead their families, and our past experiences, wounds, unforgiveness or lack of knowledge holds us back from experiencing the blessings God has for us and our families.  

The hurt of broken family relationships is real. It causes a lot of men to give up or sit idle. This lack of effort and intentionality leads to generational chaos and dysfunction. But when we put the effort forth and we are intentional with our time, words and leadership, then it can lead to generational blessings.  

In order to experience God’s blessings for you and your family, it’s important to first identify and understand the roles you play in your family. 

We may be husbands, fathers, sons, uncles, brothers, cousins, sons-in-laws, brothers-in-laws – the list can go on and on  


  • Step 1 – Identify and write down the role(s) you play in your family. List the roles in order of priority. 


  • Step 2 – Put a checkmark next to the roles that need more of your attention and intentionality  


  • Step 3 – Identify what the Holy Spirit is asking you to do in each of your roles. Share this with your mentor, protégé, micro group or small group. If you’re flying solo on this challenge, then be sure to post them on A Men of Iron Community on Facebook. 


With Gratitude,  

The Men of Iron Team