The Iron Sharpens Iron t-shirt!!



Equilibrium is a men’s retreat experience designed to help men restore balance in their lives.

Change of Pace + Change of Place = Change in Perspective


Lead your own retreat! This package unloads the burden of planning and hosting a weekend retreat by providing a leader with quality videos and a plan for reflection, discussion and goal-setting, all anchored in a faith foundation with solid biblical principles. The Equilibrium curriculum addresses balance in five (5) areas of every man’s life – faith, family, friends, fitness and finances.

Equilibrium Elite

A first-class retreat experience! Come take part in an Equilibrium Elite retreat facilitated by Men of Iron’s staff. This investment includes first-class retreat lodging, EQ resources, high quality meals and snacks, and a group excursion that will fire up your soul!

The EQ curriculum addresses balance in five (5) areas of every man’s life – faith, family, friends, fitness and finances. High quality videos reflection, discussion and goal-setting, all anchored in a faith foundation with solid biblical principles. Followed up by 5 months of small group resources (1 meeting per month).


“Equilibrium gave me a fresh perspective on my 5F’s and finding balance. It reminded me of the value of journaling and spending time in solitude with the Lord.” Dave//Equilibrium Retreat 2021