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The Men of Iron Minute

by Chad Zueck | Director of Content Creation

A Courageous Stand for Masculine Men

As a younger man, I couldn’t be told anything. I had become my father’s son under the slick cover of pride and power. I thought I had the answers and loved to argue. In hindsight, it was embarrassing. I didn’t have a clue. Idiots usually don’t. Now an older man, I realize that all I wanted to do was argue. My mouth was my defense mechanism, protecting a fearful heart. Fast forward to today, where keyboards and microphones are defense mechanisms for lonely and immature men. Sad really. Be the type of man that can listen and have an actual social discourse of ideas and beliefs. Be a better man and grow above social norms and standards. This is the pathway to greatness!

Keyboard ninjas have no courage. Acting toward a cause takes courage. Don’t type. Talk in real life. Act in real life. We need men to embrace their masculine role in real life. What fires you up may be different than Bob up the street, and that’s all good. Do something about the problem you see.


Edmund Burke’s gem is always relevant, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” After surveying the condition of men within the church, my burden led to action. What you’re writing is evidence. What fires you up?


Do something.

Dare greatly.

Be a better man.




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