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The Men of Iron Minute

by Chad Zueck | Director of Content Creation

Being an Influencer

Okay. Okay. I get sick of hearing about “influencers” on social media too. Many of us can be the “get off my lawn guys” who believe being a social media influencer means “I am desperate for attention”, or “I am unwilling to work hard”. The idea of being a “social media influencer” turns my stomach. I am not talking about those acidic and murky waters so don’t at me (just kidding).

Jesus had influence. Presidents have influence. Moses had influence. So did Joshua. Isaiah too. People throughout the bible had significant influence, and God gave that ability. God still gives influence today, and every person has a measure of influence. Influence is subject to relationships, employment, positioning, character, and past experiences. In a recent training session, I stumbled upon a podcast with an interesting quote, “The quickest way to lose your influence is being unaware that you have it.” Chad Veach, The Carey Nieuwhof Podcast (Ep. 525). That got my attention and hopefully, it grabbed yours also. Christian men ought to use their influence for the glory of God and the good of the world. Here are seven factors that affect influence from leadership guru, John C. Maxwell.

You’re a unique person with a specific influence in your world, so wouldn’t you want to steward that influence well? You’re a good man. We have a God-given responsibly to help people become the best version of themselves, so let’s encourage and build each other up (1 Thessalonians 5:11).


Entrepreneurship, fatherhood, mentorship, and discipleship to render service through influence.


Do something.

Dare greatly.

Be a better man.





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