The Men of Iron Minute
by Chad Zueck | Director of Content Creation
Cheering For the Other Team
Basketball is life! Not really, but going to a game is crazy fun. Imagine getting the chance to see your favorite team play their rival. In other words, their rival is your rival. Your team can prove spoiler and eliminate your rival from going to the playoffs. What a chance to stick it to them!
You get some “nose-bleed” tickets at the last minute, but a chance like this only comes once in a while, so it’s not an expense… it’s an investment! With the digital tickets in tow, you get to the arena to cheer on your squad. You grab a beer and brat as you prepare for battle. High enough to smell the ozone, your seats offer a decent court view. People watching is the game being played right now. Tip-off doesn’t happen for an hour. It’s all good. You stretch out as people file in.
Lights dim, and excitement builds. The lineups bring the hype as the noise rattles the eardrums. Scanning the crowd, you notice everyone looks like an ally. Donned with the same team gear, it seems like an epic night on the cue. The teams run the floor, getting bucket after bucket. The game tightens, and you hear a guy’s voice cheering when your team blows a fast break. At first, you don’t pay much attention, but then it happens again and then again. You take a closer look and notice that the guy cheering on the other team has your team jersey. You think, “That dude is a traitor!” People all around are taking notice of this guy rooting on the other team, and the gossip wheel starts turning. A guy in the next row finally gets to the bottom of the confusion. He bet $500 against his team. What in the name of James Harden does this guy think he’s doing?
You’re disgusted by the lack of integrity.
That’s a normal response when a man betrays his values and beliefs.
If you’ve failed in your integrity, you can have it back. As Morgan Snyder shared in his book, Becoming a King, “You can have your integrity back. Your masculine soul can be restored and set free. Here. Today. No matter who and what you have become. God, your Father, knows who you are. Even more, he knows who you can become.”
Trust Him. Commit your way to Him. He restores.
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Be a better man.
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