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The Men of Iron Minute

by Chad Zueck | Director of Content Creation

Daring Men for Discouraging Days

In the chaotic hell of war, amid the deafening rattling of semi-automatic gunfire and exploding grenades, a deadly plot arose from the fog of war. The Enemy developed a plan to cripple the opposing army, aiming to eliminate the officer in command. The commander, a beacon of resilience, led his troops with unwavering resolve, and the Enemy feared his ability. His stern courage and firm backbone made him a leader worth admiring. As the Enemy closed in, whispers of treachery filled the air. The soldiers, determined to protect their leader, forged a human shield around him. In the end, it was their unwavering loyalty that triumphed, saving their commander’s life by thwarting the Enemy.

We may not live under rounds cracking overhead or grenades being lobbed into our laps, but just because you don’t smell smoke doesn’t mean there is no war. Under the banner of cowardice, many men have taken Thomas A’ Kempis’ bad advice, “Better it is to be subject than to command, to be a disciple than a teacher, to learn in silence than to speak with authority, to obey than to govern, to sit at the feet of another than to be enthroned as a master.” Taking this quote at face value will lead to passivity in the face of adversity and even withdrawal when we need to advance.

Our Enemy wants to take us out by frustrations, the ambivalence of the Truth, and moral and spiritual passivity. When leaders don’t lead with vision, consequences fall like predictable shrapnel. Proverbs 29:18, “Where there is no vision, the people are unrestrained, But happy is one who keeps the Law.” (NASB:95)


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