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The Men of Iron Minute

by Chad Zueck | Director of Content Creation

Every Man Can Lead

Every man can lead, though the size and scope vary greatly. Men have been given masculinity to lead themselves, their lady, and others. We may celebrate past and present monumental leaders like Roosevelt, Churchill, Patton, and many modern presidents. We honor them, and we remember the heroic nature by which they led. Those names have something in common with every man. Leadership. Everyone may not remember you, but someone can remember you. The path to leadership is the same for every man. Here goes.


Begin where you are. ⁣Begin with who you are. ⁣Develop a vision based on your goals. ⁣

Look for habits to meet that goal⁣. Lead yourself before you try to lead others. ⁣



Life has a way of teaching and revealing the kind of man you are. It’s not always bad. I believe that God has a reason for every situation and circumstance; therefore, circumstances are here to help us grow and lead. Strong men reveal themselves by how well they lead in dangerous and/or uncertain situations. ⁣


Every day you are presented with an opportunity to lead spiritually, relationally, or physically. ⁣


Put in the work! It takes work to lead, and leadership is a form of suffering. Put in the reps every day. Leading is not for those who are lazy. People like Roosevelt and Churchill had a work ethic that was top-end (and their ability to relax with a cigar was too).


You lead, and others will be grateful you did.


Dare greatly.

Lead humbly.

Be a better man.




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