The Men of Iron Minute
by Ryan Zook | Curriculum & Content Developer
Faithful Stewards
If someone looked at your finances right now, what story would they tell? Would you be confident? Would you be ashamed? Would you be frustrated?
This week on the podcast, we’re looking into the times that we have struggled financially and what ultimately helped us make a difference in this area of our lives. Check out our latest episode here.
Psalm 24: 1-2 says, “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it. The world and all its people belong to him. For he laid the earth’s foundation on the seas and built it on the ocean depths.”
Everything you own and everything you hope to own already belongs to God. He created it. It’s His. When you die, someone else will take care of it for a while, and then they will lose it, too.
We’re all just stewards of the things that God has enabled us to have and enjoy.
My wife and I needed someone to watch our four young kids this past week. We lined everything up, dropped off the kids, and trusted our kids would be cared for while we were away.
Imagine our response if, when we returned, all of our kids were missing. Even worse, imagine if the babysitter could not explain where they went or what happened to them.
Then imagine how frustrated we would be if the babysitter anxiously tried to convince us that we shouldn’t be too upset because they felt like they had done a pretty good job. They always wanted to do better but never got around to it.
Babysitters are stewards. So are we. God’s money doesn’t belong to us. At all. When the time comes, we want to be able to give a solid and trustworthy account of what we used it for and where it all ended up.
God has entrusted all of us with a small portion of his kingdom.
Let’s be faithful stewards.
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