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The Men of Iron Minute

by Ryan Zook | Curriculum & Content Developer

Find the Right Friends



The right friends can help us in our mission and our legacy.

Elisha spent six to ten years following and serving together with Elijah. Elisha paid close attention to everything Elijah was doing. We only know a little about what happened in those couple of years, but we do know that Elisha never returned to his old way of life.


He remained loyal to Elijah, and together, they fearlessly served God. 


Eventually, it became apparent that their time together was closing. They both became aware of it around the same time. Elijah knew God was calling him home, and he wanted to depart quietly and on his own. But Elisha refused to leave his side.

Elijah asked Elisha to leave him three times, and each time, Elisha refused. He was committed to traveling with Elijah until the very end. Finally, right before Elijah travels to heaven in a fiery chariot, he asks Elisha what he wants.

Here’s what happens in 2 Kings 2: 9,

When they came to the other side, Elijah told Elisha, “Tell me what I can do for you before I am taken away.” And Elisha replied, “Please let me inherit a double share of your spirit and become your successor.” 

Elisha caught the vision. He was committed to his friend, he was dedicated to the mission, and he desired to continue serving God well. When he asks to inherit a double shrew of his spirit, it’s not so he can outshine Elijah or compete with Elijah. He is showing a genuine desire to push the mission further and capitalize on what God has already accomplished through Elijah.


Elisha honored Elijah by capitalizing on his mentor’s work. 


If you read further into Elisha’s story, you will find that he accomplishes twice as many miracles as his mentor. He got his wish. God accomplished incredible things through the friendship of Elijah and Elisha. They shared a joint mission, and when one of them left, the other one finished the task.


The right friends can sharpen us, encourage us, and continue the legacy that we have already been committed to. 


Find the right friends. 





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