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The Men of Iron Minute

by Steve Glick | Director of Marketing Strategy

Growing Strong Men and a Thriving Church

In 2009 I started attending Victory Church in Lancaster, PA. I was a new Christian and was chomping at the bit to get involved in my church in any capacity.

I remember emailing the Lead Pastor to see if there was anything I could do to help around the church. I was on fire for the Lord and just wanted to serve and grow in my faith. I started showing up once a week to paint around the church and change light bulbs. It was a blast!

Months later I remember hearing the pastor promote this thing called “Men of Iron” from the pulpit. It was a year-long mentorship program. An opportunity to be a protégé and get paired with a mentor. It was exactly what I was looking for, I was all in! At the end of the church service, I was the first guy at the back to sign-up.

Men of Iron had started at Victory Church just a few years prior. By the time I started attending Victory it had become part of the DNA of the church. There was a certain buzz and reputation about Men of Iron. If you weren’t involved, you wanted to be. Lives were being changed, marriages restored, addictions were being broken. The church was thriving because of Men of Iron. The church was thriving because of an intentional focus on helping men lead and lead well.

On EP. 247 of the Men of Iron Podcast, Paul Andrulonis said,


“We live in a culture that says men are less and less important. As the Church we have to maintain that emphasis that men are important and that men are needed!”


Victory Church did just that in 2006, when Men of Iron was launched with 10 mentors and 10 proteges. It was the start of something special, and I was fortunate enough to be a part of it in the early years as a protégé and then eventually as a mentor.

“We have watched men step up and lead and be men. Men of Iron has created in our church a culture where men are challenging younger men to step up and lead.” Pastor Curt

The church’s commitment to men and mentorships will create a culture of discipleship. If you want your church to grow and thrive, you must develop strong men.





Anchoredman Bootcamp, perfect for your men’s small group! This 5-part video series will give you the basic skills you need to better connect with God. Find out more!