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The Men of Iron Minute

by Chad Zueck | Director of Content Creation

Guilty as Charged

Vacations are the best and the worst. The time off is rad, and the time away from the regular grind is cool, but the time away can take out our routine. Routines are the tools of successful people. If your dream is big or small, a solid routine keeps you moving toward your goal. You may have the routine of singing songs from your favorite hair band or another questionable routine like picking lint from your belly button every morning… Okay. You get it. Routines are what you make of them. Good. Bad. Lint. 80’s Rock? I am talking about good routines. The routines you decide to put into place help you maintain spiritual and physical health. Of course, you need to be nimble and flex your routine if it becomes stale or without effect.

Back to vacations. They offer much-needed relief from work and the push and pull of work and home life. We love them, and we need them. But with a ‘good ole vacay’ is a temptation to let go of those routines we use to help us toward a better version of ourselves. This past week I fell off my routine “wagon” and ate my weight in guilty pleasure food. I ate all of it. Every day. It made my morning run quite hard this morning. Not only was I trying to get back into a good routine, but also trying to get rid of all those syrupy pancakes.

You may have fallen out of routine over Turkeymagedon (AKA Thanksgiving). You may have almost tripped over the sweet potato casserole and pumpkin pie, but let this remind you to pivot and build a routine to get back on track.


Routines are the tools of successful men. Don’t settle for guilty pleasures. Guilty pleasures are short lasting. Build a routine that brings you to where you want to be spiritually, relationally, intellectually, or physically.


Do something.

Dare greatly.

Be a better man.



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