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The Men of Iron Minute

How to Lead Your Kids Spiritually

We have been talking a lot about fatherhood this month on the Men of Iron Podcast. As a father, your influence on your children’s spiritual formation is unparalleled. It’s easy to assume that pastors or teachers will handle this responsibility, but no one will have a greater impact than you.


It’s never too late to embrace this role and take your spiritual responsibilities seriously.


The best time to invest in your children’s spiritual growth is when they are young. Don’t hesitate to read the Bible with them or pray together. These spiritual disciplines, instilled early, will bear fruit as they grow older. Your ultimate goal is to teach them who God is, guiding them to love Him as their Savior. From the beginning, God intended for fathers to lead their children’s spiritual development.

As Deuteronomy 6:7 (NIV) says, “Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.”

If there’s one defining characteristic of your home, it should be the Law of God. Joshua 24:15 (NIV) reinforces this, stating, “But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve… But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”


Fathers must lead their children to follow Him, because if they don’t, culture will step in.


You don’t accidentally disciple your kids; it requires intentionality. Share stories of how Jesus has impacted your life. If you’re unsure where to start, take one small step today: read a Bible story, pray before meals, or share a personal testimony. The key is to lead your kids on purpose. Pick one time each day when your family is together and teach your kids something about Jesus. Intentionality is crucial. By leading your kids purposefully, you set them on a path of faith that will last a lifetime.


Let’s embrace our role as spiritual leaders and make a lasting impact on our kid’s lives.






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