The Iron Sharpens Iron t-shirt!!


The Men of Iron Minute

How to Make Prayer a Daily Habit for Your Family

One of my fondest childhood memories is my mom praying over my siblings and me before we left for school. My dad was usually out of the house early for work, so my mom took on the responsibility of praying over us. Her prayers were simple, filled with gratitude for God’s provision, grace, and favor. She would pray for our protection and for us to make a difference in our schools. This routine left a profound impact on me, and I remember it vividly.

Now, I carry on this tradition. Each morning, before I leave for work, I gather my wife and kids, wrap my arms around them and pray. Given my kids short attention span, my prayers are brief yet heartfelt. I express gratitude for God’s provision and favor, and pray for the protection of my family while I’m gone. These morning prayers have become so consistent that my daughter enthusiastically shouts, “AMEN!” at the end.


End the day with prayer.


I also make it a point to pray with my kids before bed each night. By this time, they are usually winding down and willing to lie in my arms. During these moments, I pray more specifically and intentionally. I thank God for His blessings—our home, cars, meals, and more. I pray for my kid’s future spouses, that they will love God passionately, treat them with respect and inspire me to be a better man of God. I pray for our extended family—grandparents, uncles, aunts, and cousins. I ask God to help them be sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s leading as they grow. The kids looks forward to these moments, and they have become a cherished part of our routine.


Pray randomly, fervently, and intentionally


I remember waking up several times as a child to find my mom kneeling at my bedside, praying fervently. One particular memory from high school stands out. At the time, I didn’t understand why she prayed beside my bed in the middle of the night. Now, as a father, I get it.

There have been moments when I’ve woken up at night, feeling the Holy Spirit’s nudge to pray over my kids. It’s easy to ignore this and go back to sleep, but I’m learning to pray at random moments, fervently and intentionally. This practice was modeled to me, and I believe it’s deeply ingrained in me.

Don’t be afraid to do things that may seem awkward. Your children might not understand at a young age, but when we consistently model these practices, they become habits that our children learn to expect as they grow. We’re not just impacting our children but also future generations. Family worship is in you—you can do it.




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