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The Men of Iron Minute

by Justin Watkins | Chief Generosity Mentor

How to Reclaim Balance in Your Fitness


We know that taking care of our physical bodies is important, as it honors God, allows us to pursue Him more, and serve the people around us with the purpose He has given us. But we also know fitness can become an idol and master over us when we go overboard in our time, identity, and priorities – OR let our comforts become master over us by pursuing unhealthy habits.

So, if you have identified this as a place of concern, how do you reclaim a healthy balance?

Paul writes in 1 Timothy 4:8: “Physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.”


The answer is not to stop pursuing healthy habits, but the answer is making your FAITH the foundation for your fitness.


A significant step in that process is simply changing your mindset about what matters most. Paul lays it out right here – the worth and value of your faith is going to make a difference here and now and last forever. It has the ability to infuse purpose into every other part of your life – your family, friends, finances, and yes…even your fitness.

One reason we’ve continued to hit 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 over and over again this month is because it reframes the motivation and mindset of what your fitness should be about. You are not building a temple to yourself to gain followers, affirmation, or self-worth. You’re not building a temple to yourself of self-comfort and convenience.


Your body is not your own. You were bought at the highest price because God thinks that highly of you.


And because of that, your fitness journey – no matter where you might be, needs to be properly prioritized.

It can’t be so high that it becomes your source of identity and purpose – it also can’t be so low that you aren’t valuing the temple God has gifted you to take care of. Your fitness shouldn’t come at the expense of your family, friends, or put you in a financial hole. And ultimately, if you’re more concerned about getting your workout in over connecting with God Himself, you need to make some changes.

Practical ideas include spending time in prayer between sets, writing out a verse in your workout journal and trying to memorize it as you go through your routine. If you’re investing too much time or value, maybe it’s time to take a break or back off the time you’re spending working out. Make Him your first thought of the day, not your protein count.

If you’re struggling to get moving, start taking walks with God in your neighborhood – listen to the Bible or a podcast while you do, and spend time in prayer as you take your steps. Find a mentor, friend, or family member to join you in some exercise or change out an unhealthy food choice in place of deeper connection.


Train towards knowing God deeper first, foremost, and above all else.


Once you make HIM the priority and foundation, He can help you start building the other pieces in the proper order.

You are a temple of the Holy Spirit – that means He is already in you and with you in anything you’re doing. So, seek to make Him the priority in everything you’re doing.





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