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The Men of Iron Minute

by Tony Galati | Iron Rep – Lancaster, PA

Making Time For Friends

Time is a factor. I get it. Sometimes we are so busy with work, kids sports, date nights, fixing the car or trying to finish that project we started two months ago, that it really is a struggle to make time for “friends.”


Well, like anything else in life, if you believe something is important, you will find a way to make time.


It doesn’t have to be daily or weekly, but if we inventoried our time, is there at least one or two hours in the month you can repurpose to build or continue to build a meaningful relationship with another godly man? Note I didn’t say add or give, but repurpose.

Or could you skip that episode of Netflix, the game, what about an hour of sleep? 

Get creative. Do you see the value, the importance of having a good conversation with another godly man? You may need to vent, you may have some questions, you may need to confess a sin you are struggling with, or maybe they need you. I feel it is so critical that we have a place for this, but it takes intentionality. Bottom line, we have to go after it.


I don’t want to know where I’d be without the friendships, the godly men, God has blessed me with.


I don’t deserve the friends I have, but I knew I needed them and I did something about it, and with God’s help and my intentionality, I still have those friendships that sharpened me. And you know what else, I am now able to sharpen them as well. 

I have a challenge for you. Take inventory of your time this week. Write down everything you do every day. From waking up to going to sleep and every activity in between. List all your priorities, and sure, going to the gym and taking time to relax and recharge is a priority, but, after you list everything, look and see what you could have done without.

Where could you repurpose one hour for a breakfast, lunch, a phone call, or even a zoom call, with a man who is a season ahead of you or where you can pour into a man that you are a season ahead of. Remember, Iron sharpens Iron, but it only happens if we are intentional.

Action Step: Pray and ask God what you can let go of in order to pursue a specific friendship or mentorship.




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