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The Men of Iron Minute

by Chad Zueck | Director of Content Creation

Masculine by Design, not Defect

Growing up, all my superheroes were manly and heroic, and I wanted to be too. Testosterone-induced aggression and risk-taking are inherent in men and boys. These are normal God-given physiological attributes designed for human flourishing via the masculine. I appreciate how psychologist Aaron Kipnis differentiated between violence and aggression: “Violence is not hard-wired into boys. Violence is taught. Aggression is hard-wired.” Males and females are both image bearers, and form fits function.

The male body and brain have been shaped since the early days of creation (Gen. 1:27, 2:15). Biologically; males need more testosterone than females for the procreation and preservation of life. For thousands of years, testosterone has been developing boys/men to have more muscle mass and less body fat, which simply makes them more aggressive. As higher levels of testosterone emanate in boys/men, their sex drive increases, and thus, other needed modes of restraint to harness those impulses. Peterson defines the current masculine crisis in this way.


You are masculine by Design, not a defect. Cultivate more masculinity, and don’t let others redefine it.


Do something.

Dare greatly.

Be a better man.





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