The Men of Iron Minute
by Chad Zueck | Director of Content Creation
Passive Men
The wintery grey skies loom for months, and an occasional ray of sunshine offers hope through the clouds. But on this day, the wind beat against everything in its path and offered such gusts that limbs fell and lawn equipment flew. The crisp winter air swept through the community with reckless abandon. The reckless blasts jettison loose objects as the air cuts to the bone. The wind does not care about the havoc caused or the misery following its wake. Reckless winds ravage lives, and so do passive men.
Like Bob. Bob was a nice guy. He was the church guy who smiled often and never voiced an opinion. His wry smile, emotional distance, and hidden opinion were symptoms of a larger problem. Bob’s laid-back approach was his kryptonite. At a distance, it may have looked like strength as it reflected off the feminized church culture, but his passiveness brought misery. Bob’s lack of courage offered no backbone when his daughter was bullied, or his church went through a rough patch due to pastoral infidelity.
Furthermore, Bob’s wife, Jeanette, is exhausted from carrying the load of kids, work, and community. She starves for a partner to complement her and share encouragement and stability, and Bob’s misery is well guarded with a smile and silence. The frigid winds of indifference have been whipping around Bob and Jeanette’s home, and she has had enough. After an unthinkable ultimatum, Jeanette demands they go to counseling to resolve their unimaginable situation. Time will tell if Bob and Jeanette will make it through the storm, but Jeanette knows that Bob cannot be passive any longer.
Jeanette discovered a secret that no one likes to hear: “Passive men lead to pitiful lives.”
Do something.
Dare greatly.
Be a better man.
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