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Men of Iron Podcast

Men Are Called To Be Spiritual Leaders| EP. 211

Being the spiritual leader of your house is the highest calling you have as a man.” – Jeff Reimold

This week we close out our Faith Conversations for Men Series as we talk about man’s highest calling, being the spiritual leader of your home. What does it mean to be the spiritual leader of your house? Are you modeling your faith well for your wife and kids? Ephesians 5 calls us to, “Love your wives as Christ loved the church.” Being the spiritual leader of your home is the highest calling you have as a man! Men, take this role as the spiritual leader of your home serious. The responsibility is huge, but you don’t have to hit a home run on day one. If you feel as if you don’t know where to start or feel like you’ve messed it up in the past, it’s not too late to try again. Failure is NOT final. God has a vision for your home and he wants you to tap into that vision. Ask God what that vision is and pray for that. Secular culture demeans men in a lot of ways, especially the role of a man in the home. Let’s recapture God’s design for us as men!

Four Practical tips for being the spiritual leader in your home:

  1. Self Evaluate – Be honest with yourself and where you are at in this area
  2. Ask Your Wife – Get your wife’s viewpoint on where you are at
  3. Find a Mentor – You can’t do this on your own, find a mentor to guide and encourage you
  4. Start Small – Pray at the dinner table, read bible stories to your kids, pray with your wife

Recommended Resource: Check out “20 Lessons That Build A Man’s Family”

Regardless of where you are in your journey, we have the tools and experiences for you. We provide one-to-one coaching, small group, and retreat curriculum. To know God is an adventure, and we are calling all men to conquer the mountain ahead of us. Men, it’s time to climb! >>> MENOFIRON.ORG/THECLIMB


  • Back for the final week of our “Faith Conversations for Men” Series, this week we talk about being the spiritual leader of your home
  • What does it mean to be the spiritual leader of your home?
  • How can I be the spiritual leader of my house?
  • Are you modeling your faith well for your wife and kids?
  • Secular culture demeans men in a lot of ways, especially the role of a man in the home
  • Let’s recapture God’s design for us as men
  • Being the spiritual leader of your home does NOT mean that you get your way
  • Men, take this role as the spiritual leader of your home serious
  • “Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish. In the same way husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself.” Ephesians 5:25-28
  • Ephesians 5 says, “Love your wife as Christ loved the church.”
  • Being the spiritual leader of your house is the highest calling you have as a man
  • The responsibility is huge, but you don’t have to hit a home run on day one
  • If you feel as if you don’t know where to start or feel like you’ve messed it up in the past, it’s not too late to try again
  • Failure is NOT final
  • Start small – try one new thing today (pray at dinner, read your Bible to your kids, pray with your wife, pray with your kids)
  • For the single man or the man with no kids – you have a circle of influence, lead that circle well
  • Men, you are not going to be the spiritual leader of your home on accident
  • It’s all about being selfless, a sacrificial love
  • It’s not easy, you cannot do it on your own
  • You need the power and strength of the Holy Spirit
  • God has a vision for your home and he wants you to tap into that vision 
  • He’s calling you to play in role in that vision
  • When was the last time you thought through, “what is the vision for my wife, for my kids?”
  • Ask God what that vision is and pray for that
  • If you need some accountability in your life check out our Strong27™ mentorships, visit
  • If this podcast has impacted you in a positive way, please take the time to leave us a rating and a review





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