The Men of Iron Minute
by Steve Glick | Director of Marketing Strategy
Practical Tips to Overcoming the Lies
As we wrap up this week’s conversation around “The Lies Men Believe,” we want to talk through practical ways that we as men can overcome these lies. So often we allow Satan’s lies to infiltrate our hearts and minds. When we allow these lies to fester and grow, without confronting them, they will take us down. The Bible says the devil is a liar and the father of lies (John 8:44 NIV). The truth is not in him, and he will bombard your mind with lies until you believe what he’s saying.
To combat these lies effectively, consider these five practical steps:
- Confront the Lie: Recognize and confront the lie head-on. Don’t allow it to take root in your mind unchallenged.
- Seek Accountability: Find a mentor who can identify these lies and help you stay on track with God’s truth.
- Replace with God’s Truth: Replace the lie with the truth of God’s Word.
- Know Your Identity in Christ: Let this truth define you rather than the lies you hear or believe.
- Community: Build a community of godly men who will stand alongside you in life’s battles.
By actively confronting, correcting, and replacing these lies with God’s truth, we can overcome the obstacles that hinder our walk with God and embrace the fullness of our calling as men of God.
If you want to hear more about, The Lies Men Believe conversation, check out the Men of Iron Podcast this week!
Pastors and Church Leaders! Check out our BRAND NEW small group resource, A Man’s Family. A Man’s Family is a 6-session video course designed by Men of Iron to equip men to become strong spiritual leaders within their families. At Men of Iron we want you to find balance in your family and thrive because of it. Find out more!