The Iron Sharpens Iron t-shirt!!


The Men of Iron Minute

by Travis Albanesius | Iron Rep – Ephrata, PA

Pray With Your Wife About Money

It took my wife and I a long time to feel comfortable praying together. Even now, it is something we continue growing in, but it does not stop us from praying together. Even more, each month when we do our budget, we make sure we pray together for two things.


First, we thank God for the resources He has provided for us.


And two, we pray for His wisdom to handle the money He has entrusted to us that month in a way that brings Him honor and glory. The goal for our marriage is much more about unity and drawing closer to God as we pursue the goals He has given us then it is about actually accomplishing the goals. The goals are a means to an end. 

Mark 3:25 says: If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand. 

So today, I know it sounds crazy, but go pray with your wife. And if you are already doing that, let me encourage you to pray about your money and your finances together.


Our maker and creator cares about things we care about. 


So don’t feel weird or hesitant to go to Him with your wants and needs. He listens. 




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