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The Men of Iron Minute

by Chad Zueck | Director of Content Creation

Real and Available

In the small town of Grand Haven, Michigan, Thomas was a quiet man devoted to God, his family, and his church. He spent most of his leisure time fishing offshore and fishing for men as a Christ follower. Despite his kindness and resourcefulness on the water, he often felt he had little to offer in terms of wisdom. His view of himself was often met by reality when his wife encouraged him by noting the great man he was becoming. One Sunday morning, he learned about a mentoring program in his church, and his wife strongly encouraged him to become a mentor. Though unworthiness was a struggle, he said he would look into it and was matched with a younger version of himself named David. David was new in the faith and a bit wet behind the ears.

Thomas doubted his ability to make a meaningful impact. He even said this to David, but to his surprise, David responded with gratitude. “It’s not about having all the answers,” David said. “It’s about someone walking alongside me, someone who cares and listens.” Thomas thought David’s honesty was refreshingly unfamiliar.

Inspired by David’s words, Thomas opened up about his own journey of faith. He shared his struggles and doubts, realizing he didn’t need to be a scholar. His authenticity and compassion were enough. And over time, this mentorship would become a testimonial about how good mentorships can be. As their mentoring relationship grew, Thomas became a source of encouragement for David. He offered a listening ear, wisdom, and prayers. Thomas discovered that his own experiences, however ordinary they seemed, held valuable lessons that resonated with David’s challenges. He understood that his doubts and struggles had a purpose—they connected him to others, allowing him to offer hope and support.


From that day forward, Thomas embraced his role as a mentor. He continued to share his experiences, knowing that the journey of manhood could inspire and guide others.


Even when we doubt our abilities or feel inadequate, our willingness to share our hearts and walk alongside others can make a profound difference. In admitting our weaknesses, we can offer hope, strength, and guidance to those in need, elevating their lives and our own.


Be a mentor.

Find a mentor.

Be a better man.




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