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The Men of Iron Minute

by Chad Zueck | Director of Content Creation

Recovering From False Hope

Life can throw some crazy curveballs our way, right? Sometimes, we’re hyped up about things that seem too good to be true—like nailing that presentation, building that retirement by 30, or being stress-free. That feeling? It’s what psychologists call “false hope syndrome.” What is false hope syndrome? It’s that longing for something improbable, an unwavering belief in unrealistic expectations. False Hope Syndrome is built upon the idea or belief that change will be quick, easy, and painless. In our walk with Christ, it can subtly distort our perception of God’s plans and provisions and send us into a pit of discouragement.

Ever heard the saying, “Hope for the best, prepare for the worst”? Proverbs 13:12 says, “Hope that’s always out of reach can make you feel sick, but when your wishes come true, it’s like a tree of life.” It’s a reminder that real hope isn’t about daydreams but what’s solid and trustworthy—God’s promises. Think about the times we trust in something or someone, like when you believe the Eagles will win just because you’re wearing a Hurts jersey. Instead, the Bible tells us to trust in God, not in good luck charms (Jeremiah 17:7).

Jesus talked about false promises, warning us to be smart and watch out for things that seem too good to be true (Matthew 7:15-20). It’s like being on the lookout for a cheat code or bogus shortcuts in a game—there’s a lot of fluff and flash out there, but not all of it works!

Remember Job? His friends thought they had all the answers, but in the end, only God did. Sometimes, people around us might give bad advice or promise things that don’t pan out. That’s why trusting in God’s wisdom is so important.

Real hope isn’t wishful thinking or pretending everything’s perfect. It’s knowing God has our backs no matter what (Hebrews 10:23). God’s promises don’t fail and always lead us in the right direction. Let’s choose the real deal—hope anchored in God’s promises. It’s not about just hoping things work out superstitiously, but about knowing we’ve got an unshakable hope in a God who’s always there for us. When we build our hope on His promises, it’s like having a super strong shield against life’s ups and downs.


Let’s keep our eyes on what’s real and true—God’s promises are true and reliable. There’s no false hope in that!


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