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The Men of Iron Minute

by Chad Zueck | Director of Content Creation

Shipbuilding and Homebuilding

William Francis Gibbs is a name you may not know. Gibbs was an American ship designer who profoundly impacted the world of shipbuilding. Born in 1886 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Gibbs was passionate about engineering and creating ships, and these passions would spark genius. He studied at Harvard University and later earned a law degree from the University of Michigan.

In 1919, Gibbs co-founded a shipyard called Gibbs Brothers Inc., which eventually became Gibbs & Cox, a well-known company specializing in naval architecture and marine engineering. His most famous creation was the SS United States, a sleek and speedy ocean liner. Those words read like an oxymoron, but I digress. Launched in 1952, the SS United States still holds the record for the fastest transatlantic passenger ship. Gibbs was all about pushing boundaries and embracing innovation in his ship designs. He incorporated advanced technologies and efficient propulsion systems to revolutionize the industry. He championed the use of welded construction, which made ships stronger and safer. Gibbs didn’t just focus on ship design. He also helped standardize shipbuilding components, making the production process more efficient. The US military recognized his brilliance and asked him to advise on some US Navy ship designs. He passed away in 1967, leaving a remarkable legacy as one of the most influential ship designers ever. Gibbs ships were crafted by brilliant design with a defined purpose, like a marriage.

The beauty and concept of marriage was not created by two humans hormonally cascading through the seduction of time and lust, nor was it created by a society structure that fed a faulty version of “love” like Hershey’s feeds kids healthy chocolate. Marriage was created with purpose by God.

The Bible affirms the sacredness and design of marriage. Genesis 2:24 states, “Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.” This passage highlights marriage’s lifelong commitment and unity, emphasizing the importance of leaving one’s family and forming a new bond with a spouse. In Ephesians 5:22-33, the relationship between a husband and wife is likened to the relationship between Christ and the church, emphasizing sacrificial love, mutual respect, and the profound unity within the marital bond only separated by death.



Ships were designed for water, and marriage was designed to last.


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