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The Men of Iron Minute

by Roman Wagner | Generosity Facilitator

Start Small When it Comes to Fitness


So how do I start? Is a question you might be asking. I have all this information on why fitness matters, how to glorify God with my fitness, and how to make sure that fitness is not an idol. First step in the journey is to start small.


One of the big reasons men fail as they start their journey is by sprinting too hard too fast and getting burnt out.


We often talk about “climbing the mountain” and you have to take a step. But you climb a mountain by taking a bunch of small steps in the right direction.

At Men of Iron, we are all about setting yourself up for success, whether that is in goals in our mentorship, or even in our own teams here in our departments. To get started in your fitness, give yourself some goals that are S.M.A.R.T. Specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time bound. Starting with smart goals, allows you to have goals that are realistic and will set you up for success.

If you are starting off totally new with fitness, a couple examples of this could look like:

  1. I am going to walk for 15 minutes, 3 times this week
  2. I am going to get at least 8 hours of sleep, 4 times this week
  3. I am going replace my fast-food breakfast with eggs and a piece of fruit 2 times this week

Starting small allows you to have wins early in the process. And guess what…winning is fun, and winning will keep you coming back for more.


So, start small. Set yourself up for success.





30-Day Men’s Devotional, Fitness Challenge, Mentor & Coaching Resources for men. Check out our FREE RESOURCES and find the tool you need to help you become the man you want to be!