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The Men of Iron Minute

by Chad Zueck | Director of Content Creation

Succeeding When It Matters

In a conversation lately, I had a lightning bolt of reality strike. I wasn’t ready for it – just minding my own business and planning for the future, and then ‘lightning’ struck. As I often do, I was putting together a rough sketch of the following year. As I pondered a big, time-consuming fitness goal, my wife reminded me that this would pull me away from my most purposeful work. She reminded me that I could complete the goal at a steep cost. That cost grounded me in reality. Assuredly, I am not the exception to this rule. Purposeful work is life-giving work. Like a light pole overlooking a neighborhood, her clarity helped me to see, removing the hubris and shallow excitement of crushing a big physical feat. The fitness goal is but a temporary fix. Deep work is the best work.

She believes in me enough to know I would tackle the goal and knows me well enough to remind me that I have a higher purpose and calling—her kind words cast light upon my limited time, effort, and energy. I want to succeed at what matters. As William Carey, the father of modern missions, said, “I’m not afraid of failure; I’m afraid of succeeding at things that don’t matter.”


Let’s do what matters.


What matters the most to you?

Do the work.


Dare greatly.

Live humbly.

Be a better man.




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