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The Men of Iron Minute

by Chad Zueck | Director of Content Creation

The Balancing Act

As if ripped out a scene from every predictable Lifetime movie, a married couple of 13 years, Bob, Cheryl, and their two awesome kids, Sarah and Jake, live in Sunnydale. They were always up to exciting adventures and shared a special family bond. But there was a little problem…

Bob and Cheryl were proud of their kids’ accomplishments and spent much time fulfilling Sarah and Jake’s wishes while displacing their own. They were unaware that the scales were tipping in the wrong direction with all the sports, recitals, playing games, and trips to see that they had little time for themselves.

The wheels were getting a bit wobbly, and the kids could see the imbalance was affecting Bob and Cheryl. So, Sarah and Jake came up with a brilliant plan. They secretly organized a family picnic in the park, where everyone could relax and have fun. They encouraged their parents to play games together during the picnic, just like in old times. Bob and Cheryl laughed, played tag, and even had a silly dance-off!

As the day went on, Bob and Cheryl felt their love rekindling. They realized how important it was to take some time for themselves as a couple, just like they did for their kids. From that day on, they started having regular “date nights” where they would just go out and do things they enjoyed together.

And guess what? The whole family became happier and healthier! Sarah and Jake saw their parents smiling more, and their home was again filled with laughter and love.

The moral of this story is that while it’s fantastic to make our kids happy, we must also remember to take care of our own relationships. Love and family are like two sides of the same coin – they need attention and care to shine brightly! Read that again.

So, men, always remember to have fun together as a family, but also take time for Mom and Dad to have their special moments. Because when love is balanced, the adventures are even more memorable, and your love life will be much hotter!


Your marriage won’t thrive if you spend all your time being Mommy and Daddy.

You need to spend time being husband and wife too.


Be a mentor.

Find a mentor.

Be a better man.





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