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The Battle for Man – Part Four

by Garret Barbush | President & CEO

The journey of man is a worthwhile voyage. Adventurous and worthwhile voyages are never easy. The assignment in front of us may not carry the same weight of Christ’s mission, but it still requires a man to understand that our life and lives of others hold inestimable value.  

Loving God, having a plan, taking responsibility, serving others, and having courage and grit will be the keys to your success, and you must simplify the execution. Leading our families, churches, and communities is a difficult and worthwhile voyage, which is why simplifying your plan is crucial. However, this simple plan is not about you. Even though you will pursue the destination and face the storms, it is not for your own sake, but for the sake of others.  

Because these values help men embrace light, you can expect Satan to attack these areas strategically and consistently. 1 Peter 5:8 tells us, “Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” If you are loving God, following a plan, taking responsibility, serving others, and full of courage and grit, then Satan’s objective is to devour you.  

Your voyage is a battle, and battles cannot be won alone. You need a mentor. 

A younger man’s voyage is a battle, and his battle cannot be won on his own. He needs you. He needs a mentor. 

Who will you choose to go to battle with? 

Pick a Fight! Identify a man to invite into a mentorship. Great mentors recruit protégés. Great protégés invite mentors. Don’t overcomplicate it. Keep it simple. Get off the bench and into the game.