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The Men of Iron Minute

by Chad Zueck | Director of Content Creation

The Garden Effect

People in my circle are growing gardens. They will be boasting of their tomatoes and bemoaning the melons that didn’t grow “like last year.” I don’t have a green thumb, but I am familiar enough with the basics of gardening- plant and cultivate what should belong and ruthlessly remove what doesn’t belong. ⁣Not a complicated truth, but my history of killing perfectly good plants verifies that easy to understand doesn’t necessarily mean easy to do. If you ignore a garden, unwanted things grow and eventually choke out the good. Furthermore, healthy gardens are free of pests that wreak havoc.

All things considered, marriage is like a garden. Marriage is between a man and a woman, and that polarity needs boundaries and cares to bring about flourishing. In my almost thirty years of marriage, I have found that ⁣unwanted things like resentment, miscommunication, anger, frustration, and unmet expectations will fester if you ignore a marriage. Men need to grow in their masculinity, and women need to grow in their femininity, and when unhealthy, those forces can blow up like nuclear fission. ⁣The gospel saves us, remakes us, and helps us to finally understand the beauty and complexity of the beautiful mess called marriage. Marriage is God’s gift to humans, and staying married is a form of worship to Him. How? Marriage is a living illustration of the gospel.

Do I think a man should pursue marriage? ⁣Yes. I do under most circumstances. ⁣

Here’s why…

+ Most (not all) men need a wife to complement their gifts.

+ Men need a compassionate person to counter their aggression. ⁣

+ Men have sexual longings that need to be restrained in the context of marriage. ⁣

+ Men can be very selfish. ⁣Men become better when they operate under a load of responsibility. ⁣

+ It’s not good for you to be alone. ⁣

+ Men were made for the mission of sacrificial responsibility.

+ Few things in life will reveal and develop a man’s character, like marriage.


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