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The Men of Iron Minute

The Heart of Fatherhood: Loving Your Wife

Loving your wife is an essential ingredient in who you are as a father. Your marriage is a critical part of your legacy journey, shaping the foundation of your family and influencing your children’s lives. The way that you love your wife is the first love that your kids see, setting a powerful example for them to follow.

One of the most profound ways to impact your children is by expressing your love openly. Let your wife and your kids know that you love them, reinforcing a sense of security and affection in your home.

God is the ultimate example of love and how to love.


When you love your wife well, you bring security to your marriage and your household.


Your kids feel the pulse of the household; they sense the harmony and tension. It’s God’s design for your family that you would have a strong marriage with your wife, providing a stable and loving environment for your children to grow.

For the single guys, it’s crucial to learn what God has taught us about marriage and what it means to love your wife. Your future children will look at your marriage as a model for their own relationships. Your influence spans generations, shaping the understanding of love and commitment in your family.

Prioritizing your wife, even with the demands of parenthood, is vital.


Continue to invest in your relationship and pursue your wife.


Don’t stop dating your wife. These intentional acts of love and care strengthen your bond and set a lasting example for your children.

Your kids will probably have spouses of their own someday and will learn what marriage looks like from you. I want my kids to look back on their parents’ marriage and aspire to have a marriage like that. By loving your wife well, you not only honor God’s design for your family but also create a legacy of love and faith for generations to come.




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