Men of Iron Podcast
The Lies Men Believe (EP. 257)
“The enemy uses lies to derail you from God’s divine purpose in your life.” Ryan Z.
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- This week we continue our Challenges Men Face Series with EP. 257, The Lies Men Believe
- You don’t have to look very far in the Bible to see Satan at work in man
- The very first thing that derailed Adam and Eve’s relationship with God was a lie they believed from the enemy
- You can go back to the first man Adam to see what it means to be a man, and you you can go back to the first lie to see what it means to be deceived
- Satan told Eve and Adam, “Did God really say that? Is that really who God is?”
- Lie #2 that men believe – The first lie Satan told Adam, “Is God really looking out for you?”
- These deep seeded, long held lies we believe, separate us from our relationship with God
- We can fall in to both omission and deception
- Sometimes we don’t believe the full truth and sometimes we believe a flat out falsity about who God is or who He’s called us to be
- The lies that Satan tells us do not bring life but death
- The enemy uses lies to derail you from God’s divine purpose in your life
- These lies effect our walk with God and lead us down the wrong path
- Lie #2 that men believe – “I don’t have what it takes – to be a good husband, father, leader, etc.”
- Believe this lie actually means I don’t trust God enough
- If you trust in God and follow Him, you will not end up anywhere he doesn’t want you to be
- Romans 8:28 – God works all things together for his good
- Lie #3 that men believe – ” I have to earn my value from God, I have to prove that I am worthy of his love.”
- Being the man you were called to be doesn’t earn you extra points, it allows you to walk in the fulness of who God has called you to be
- If I can understand who God is I don’t have to question why
- God is who he says he is and he carries out his promises
- Lie #4 that men believe – Comparison “I am not as talented as that guy or I’ll never be the dad that this guy is.”
- Lie #5 that men believe – “I can do it by myself.”
- It’s not manly to ask for help
- We are afraid of how we may be perceived when we admit our weaknesses
- What are practical steps to fighting the lies?
- #1 – Confront the lie
- #2 – Talk to other godly men about it
- #3 – Replace the lie with God’s truth
- When we look at the life of David, he made a lot of mistakes
- But when he was confronted by godly men about them he course corrected
- If you course correct when God reveals things through godly friends, that is a good thing
- Satan is out to get you, and he does that through lies
- Don’t let the lies that you hear become your identity
- Know who God is and that YOU are a child of God
- Surround yourself with godly men who go to war with you
- If you are struggling in your role as a husband, father or leader, we would love to be a resource for you, contact us today –
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