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The Men of Iron Minute

by Chad Zueck | Director of Content Creation

The Old Oak Chair

A friend recently shared an inspiring story about her husband and a kitchen chair. She shared a picture of the well-worn oak chair from hurried dinners, sticky treats, and joyful family outbursts. A chair like that is as ordinary as sin. Trust me. There’s nothing flashy about the chair. The finish is worn, the grains visible, and it probably has the same familiar uneven leg. So, what’s up with the chair?

In her post, my friend detailed a personal story about her husband. Her husband leaves for work before she and the kids get up, so he has time alone in the morning. Before a long work day, he moves the chair 3-4 feet from the table and props his elbows on the seat as he kneels to pray for his family. I can’t tell you how long he has done this, but I can tell you it makes a difference in their marriage. When she sees that chair moved out those 3-4 feet, she knows he’s been busy doing Kingdom work. Praying. Asking. Petitioning. Interceding.


I am encouraged, convicted, and challenged to look for my wooden chair and level up my prayer life.


Are you?


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