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The Men of Iron Minute

by Chad Zueck | Director of Content Creation

Tilt the World Toward Heaven, Part #2

Fellow seekers of a world tilting towards Heaven, here’s a follow-up from earlier this week!

Prayer, in its many forms, helps us tilt towards Heaven. Prayer helps us dream big, trust-wide, and rely deeply on the power and presence of God. As you can gather, prayer is not a Sunday school spiritual trinket or an arming wrestling endeavor with God. Prayer unlocks the power of God!

Buckle up because we’re diving into apophatic prayer—yeah, that’s the prayer of silence where our souls do the talking! That’s a bit vague and flowery, so follow the previous link for a better idea. Using your manly imagination is like unplugging from the world’s noise, stepping into this vast, awe-filled void where words fade, and the heart speaks volumes to God. David found it. Jesus too. The Desert Fathers craved it. Like an ancient scroll that we never knew existed, we can be changed by its resurgence.


As one person described,

“Apophatic prayer is not just prayer; it’s a mind-blowing expedition where we toss away the dictionaries and let our souls dance in the rhythm of God’s heartbeat.”


Meister Eckhart, an ancient sage, dropped this bombshell: “The soul that is united to God is the highest form of prayer.”

As I think of apophatic prayer, I am reminded of a spelunking in the rolling blue-tinged mountains of a Southeastern Tennessee trip. My daughter and I explored the stalactites on our feet and the crevasses on our bellies. Think of apophatic as spelunking in the caverns of your spirit, wandering into the unknown, hand-in-hand with God. John of the Cross called it the “dark night,” but trust me, it’s not about gloom; it’s about the deeper dimension with God. Furthermore, it’s a cosmic symphony conducted in silence, where the whispers of the heart reach galaxies and back. It’s God’s love language, louder than any word, softer than any breeze. But how do we venture into this wonderland? It’s not a map; it’s a rhythm. In those quiet moments, we listen to the echoes of our souls when our heartbeats sync with the Divine.


You step into this rhythm with continued time alone with God and in silence.


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