Men of Iron Podcast
Using Sports As A Platform For Faith with Josh Beers (EP. 263)
“I began using sports as a platform to point people to Jesus, build character and make disciples.” – Josh Beers
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- This week we wrap up our Faith in Sports Series with Lancaster Stormers Chaplain, Josh Beers
- Josh’s faith was there all the time as a kid, but it was sports that he worshipped
- “I lived for whatever athletic season I was in.”
- “What I was worshipping was temporal, and I was living for the next moment and competition.”
- Josh’s dream as a young age was to pursue a career in sports broadcasting
- God got ahold of Josh as a freshman in college, and that’s where his faith journey truly began
- God shifted his focus, grabbed ahold of his heart and rescued him
- Josh thought that sports had to go to the back burner and God had to go to the front
- “God in his kindness said I gave you that love for sports but under the umbrella of worshipping me.”
- Josh began using sports to point people to Christ and make disciples
- God allowed Josh’s journey to use sports as a platform to advance the Gospel
- How can we leverage sports for Kingdom purposes?
- As men we have to evaluate where we find our identity. Is it in Christ or is it in what I do?
- In the sports world you are ultimately measured by the scoreboard
- But God measures you by what he says about you, not by what you accomplish
- “As Iron sharpens iron so one man sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17
- “In my own walk I am always looking for that man who is a few years ahead of me and asking them questions so they can sharpen me.”
- Who you are 10-15 years from now is your definition of success
- In the sports world players have coaches who are teaching them, mentoring them and sharpening them to take it to the next level
- Iron sharpening iron is all about what does the next step look like in my journey
- Where can you find that man, that mentor to sharpen you?
- Most men who are struggling to find a mentor are not intentionally pursuing it or are afraid to ask
- We all need people in our lives who see things in us that we don’t see ourselves
- “We stand on our mentors shoulders in hopes that one day other people can stand on our shoulders.”
- “The enemy wants us to be isolated, we need to break through that shell and admit we need help.”
- As men if we admit that we need a mentor, that’s a sign of strength
- “It’s important to actively pursue men speaking into my life.”
- “I need a Paul in my life and then I need a Timothy to pour into.”
- We are all going through the same battles together, how do we lean into that?
- “I want my legacy to be that I loved God and loved people.”
- God is more interested in who you are becoming than with what you do
- If I can find my identity in how God says I am, I can live all out
- We would love to be a resource for you, contact us today –
Hey runners, the Men of Iron 5K Run/Walk is coming up on March 15, 2025 in Manheim, PA! Whether you’re a seasoned runner or just starting your fitness journey, this event is perfect for all ages and skill levels. Sign-up today for the Men of Iron 5K Walk/Run!