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The Men of Iron Minute

by Jeff Reimold | Chief Executive Mentor

What Can the Brokenness Teach You?

Have you ever really sat back and thought about how important your perspective is when it comes to dealing with hard things? We’ve been talking through some small steps you can take to help you begin the recovery process from a broken relationship. 


You can choose to stay in an angry or bitter state but that will only dig the hole deeper and increase the pain you feel. 


You can try the easy road and choose to ignore it in hopes that it goes away on its own. Which it won’t. 

Or, you choose to be intentional to address the issue because the ripple effects of not dealing with it can be dangerous to every relationship you have and there’s no reason why you should be carrying the weight of that pain longer than you need to.   

That’s why your mindset is so important. The Christian journey is so reliant on encountering the things this life brings your way, processing it with God, and growing towards new revelation of who you are in Him. 

When you’re dealing with something as difficult as a broken relationship, at some point you have to have some serious conversations with God about it. He will certainly comfort you and help you in the healing process, but even beyond that, He will begin to reveal things that you can learn from the experience. 

Never having another healthy relationship or shying away from people to protect yourself are not real options.


Start to have conversations with God about what you can learn. 


Journal through the process. Make notes of the things He begins to reveal to you and then move forward. 

I don’t want to minimize how difficult this can be, but I know from personal experience that we are able to do more in Christ than we ever could do on our own. He has this amazing way of turning ashes to roses but our growth mindset and seeking Him are the keys to that process. 




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