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The Men of Iron Minute

by Chad Zueck | Director of Content Creation

What’s Your Situation?

As I mentioned earlier this week, I began taking my health and fitness seriously only after I realized I had a problem. The situation I found myself in was dire. No, I didn’t get a diabetes diagnosis or high blood pressure warning; instead, I felt the grip of being an active Dad slipping away. I desired to be active, but poor health hindered that desire. I fatigued easily. I bought bigger clothes. I ate and drank without concern. I was the heaviest that I had ever been. Stress, laziness, and entitlement had sewn lies deep within, and I needed a shock to the system and comfortable running shoes.

Fast food, pumpkin spice lattes, and instant gratification fueled my decision-making. A realization struck me – just as our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19-20), we are called to treat them with respect and care. And suffice it to say; I was treating mine like an 85 Chevy pickup with slick tires and mud for engine oil. Apparently, eating choices not only affect physical health but also hinder spiritual growth. As a Christian man, I knew that I needed to feast on the word of God to become spiritually healthy. Huh, I must have been in a sugar coma during the sermons on gluttony and laziness.

To my detriment, the status quo for my life had become a guiding principle. I didn’t know what I needed to do, but my ability to see why I needed to do something was becoming clear.

For a Christian man, fitness is taking care of the temple of the Holy Spirit. (Men of Iron Podcast, EP. 182)


What’s your situation?

  • Feeling good and ready to know God and live for Him?
  • Sluggish and draggy?
  • Have you been complacent in taking care of yourself?
  • Need a jump start on a new fitness goal?

(Check out our 30-Day fitness challenge, Fit & Forged!)


Your answer is your situation.


“The Situation is the set of background circumstances dictating a need for Action.”

Errol Doebler


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