The Men of Iron Minute
by Tony Galati | Iron Rep – Lancaster, PA
Why Men Don’t Have Friends
We talked about a few common reasons men don’t have friends in our week one podcast, and remember, we’re not talking acquaintances here. There’s plenty of guys I just play ball with, just watch sports with, just remember to text a happy birthday to, but what we’re talking about is true friendship. A guy that would show up at 3am if you needed him, a guy you don’t have to beg to help you move, he just shows up with a smile. But let’s take it deeper, how about a guy that calls you out for behavior that he knows is not part of who you really are or want to be, or a friend that actually asks you how your connection with God is lately or how your marriage is, your kids? OK, now we are getting somewhere.
Why don’t we have those types of friends?
Well, for one, that type of relationship takes time. We need to build trust. It takes intentionality. You’re probably thinking – relationship, time, trust, intentionality? Um, where don’t I sign up Imagine I throw in the word intimacy and 80% of the men listening just clicked off. But why? Well none of those are manly words. Just pull yourself up by your bootstraps and take off the dress Nancy. But wait, where did we get this model of a man from?
As Christians, aren’t we supposed to be imitators of Christ? Then why do we imitate the worlds view of manhood?
Show me a man that woke up every morning day after day after sleeping in the desert or mountains half the time only to have to serve and help people all day. Then with the greatest example of self-control, while he is being berated and tortured, does not snap his finger and wipe out his enemies Thanos style. No, instead He chooses to take the most humiliating excruciating pain. Nah, that’s not manly, we could all do that, right?
Look, if you leave with one thing today, it’s this, Jesus, who was God, chose to have a minimum of 12 men around him constantly! Who am I, who are you to think you don’t need a few if He did?
The reason most men don’t have close Godly friends is not because they can’t define friendship, it’s because they can’t define a real man.
Change your friends, change your life. Change your example, change a culture. Thanks for listening, now pray about what God wants you to do with all of this.
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