Men of Iron’s Story

Men of Iron's Story
For Men of Iron Founder Bryan Zeamer, it all started after a conference in 2005. A sermon entitled ‘Holy Discontent’ by Bill Hybels got Byran thinking. “How could I use my experience and gifts to make a difference for the Kingdom? What was my Holy Discontent?”
Men of Iron officially started in 2006 at Victory Church (Lancaster, PA) with just 20 men: 10 protégés and 10 mentors. The emphasis in year 1 was accountability, balance and spiritual growth – focal points that are still emphasized today.
“Men are defeated when they don’t realize their full purpose. I saw a culture of apathy around us and a culture that tells men they’re not worth much,” Bryan says. “But when men get it right, everything and everyone around them can flourish. A willing man who wants to take steps to be a Godly leader, that’s a wonderful thing.”
From day one our focus has been mentorship. The Strong27™ mentorship experience was founded on the concept of a mentor and protege meeting face-to-face to experience accountability, balance and spiritual growth.
Over the years our resources to equip men have grown to include small group and retreat curriculum.
Since the beginning, God has used Men of Iron to change lives, save marriages and fix broken relationships. “When men seek God and have the know-how and encouragement and accountability, they can really thrive.”