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Business Partnerships

Our business partners are a vital part of moving our mission forward. They have committed time, talent and treasure to advocate for us within their networks while providing valuable relationship to our organization. We are thankful for their generous partnership.

Affinity Partnerships

Our affinity partners are strategic relationships with like-minded organizations. We have a greater mission and impact working together. We encourage you to explore how God has equipped them to serve you and His mission to the world.

Business Partner Spotlight

We are privileged to partner with Esbenshade’s Garden Center for the release of our latest book “20 Lessons That Build A Man’s Friends.” Esbenshade’s is committed to seeing a culture change, one man at a time, and we are grateful for their support. Esbenshade’s is your full service Garden Center offering professional gardening advice and information, as well as new, unusual and hard-to-find plants every season of every year.

Affinity Partner Spotlight

Live Free is a private and safe community for men, struggling with lust and porn, where they can find support, accountability, practical teaching, and most importantly… hope.