The Iron Sharpens Iron t-shirt!!


Good Morning!


Yes, we get it. You’re probably sick of hearing about how you need to lead with excellence. If you feel this way, then you probably need to keep reading.

Because family is a big deal. And God expects you to lead your family with excellence. 

To the husbands 

  • The apostle Paul makes it very clear how vital our role is as husbands in Ephesians 5:25 – “Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.” (ESV) 


  • Jesus guarded the church and never did anything to put it in danger. Are you protecting your marriage from harm? Is your wife top priority? Or do you put greater value on your job, friends, possessions, dreams, goals, hobbies, etc.? 


To the fathers…  

  • Proverbs 22:6 – Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it. (ESV) 


  • What are your kids watching you do? What they hearing you say? Are you showering them with love and intentionality or are you modeling fear, anger, discontentment and a lack of peace?  


To the men who aren’t married and don’t have kids… 

  • Family is a big deal. Don’t forget to identify the role(s) you play in your family. Pray about where you need to provide more attention and intentionality. 


Share your thoughts with a mentor, protégé, micro group or small group. If you’re flying solo on this challenge, then be sure to post on A Men of Iron Community on Facebook. 


With Gratitude,  

The Men of Iron Team