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So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.”  (John 8:36 NIV) 

Brothers, welcome to The Fit and Forged Challenge! My name is MJ Salvatore and I will be journeying with you for the next 30 days as we tackle what it means to get FIT & FORGED!  

Before we dive in, let me give you a little background as to who I am. I am a personal trainer, group exercise instructor, transformation specialist and certified nutritionist. Over the last fifteen years, God has given me a dream to launch and execute THE FORGE – a garage gym and personal training ministry where “Brokenness Brings Us Together and Redemption Keeps Us Close.”   

Looking back, at eighteen years old when I was 320 pounds, I would have needed to have someone train me! I would have never dreamed that God would strategically position me to step into something like this, but isn’t that how He works? As men, we often deem ourselves unqualified but God nudges and says, “You’re chosen. You have a story to tell. Use it for my glory.”  

The knowledgelife lessons, heartache, tears, dry seasons, mountain tops and valleys, all resulted in a fire inside my soul to have people rewrite the narratives they’ve been telling themselves for far too long. And with that, a heartbeat grew to foster intentional community and build amazing relationships.  

Over the next five weeks, we will be tackling five specific topics to help F.O.R.G.E. us into the men God is calling us to be. Each devotional will end with a thought to meditate on for the day, known as my “F.O.R.G.E. FUEL.” This first week together will be focused on FREEDOM.  

When you registered for this challenge, you received a workout calendar with specific workouts and an exercise library on proper form and modifications.  

But as we get physically fit, we will also focus on forging ourselves spiritually in the power and presence of God. As part of your devotional for this week, I want you to focus on the powerful truth of John 8:36. Put it on a note card, a bathroom mirror, read it on your Bible app; just keep it in focus!  

You were not designed to do this life alone and the same applies to these next 30 days. Grab a friend to do this challenge with you-not just with the workouts but to share what God is forging within you during this time.  

Today, I want you to share your answers to these two questions with that brother:  

  • Over the next 30 days, what are some things you are looking to be set free from? 
  • What goals are you looking to crush with these workouts?