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Men of Iron Podcast

World Changing Conversations Feat. Garret Barbush| EP. 105


“Never overlook the significance of a conversation over a cup of coffee.” // Garret Barbush

On EP. 105 we are talking about the significance of a conversation over a cup of coffee. Garret shares a story about a conversation he had with a friend that created a ripple effect of generosity. In a fast-paced we rarely make time to slow down and meet face to face with a friend and talk about life. But when we do, God uses these conversations to sharpen us and to make the world around us better. It’s why at Men of Iron we believe so strongly in mentorship. When men meet face-to-face and hold each other accountable to being the best they can be, their lives, marriages, families and communities are transformed.

“It’s amazing to think what God can do when two men sit face to face and have a conversation.” // Garret Barbush

You are invited to celebrate God’s transforming work across 15 years of impact in the lives of men pursuing Him and their purpose. Join us on April 19, 2022 for the Iron Sharpens Iron Dinner in Lancaster, Pennsylvania featuring keynote speaker Tony Dungy! Go to to get your tickets today!


  • Simple acts of generosity can have a ripple effect of impact
  • Men, never overlook the significance of a conversation over a cup of coffee
  • Face to face interaction, sharing a meal or a coffee with someone, those are things that we take for granted
  • In a fast-paced world we think we don’t have time for these conversations
  • God uses these conversations to sharpen us and to make the world around us better if we respond accordingly
  • At Men of Iron we are all about face-to-face conversations and bringing accountability to the table
  • But we have to be willing to put the other stuff in our lives to the side and put people and conversations a priority
  • It’s amazing to think what God can do when two men sit face to face and have a conversation
  • Simple conversations can change lives
  • Men, we have to make mentorships a priority
  • Today’s challenge – make time for these conversations that can be world changing and be present in these conversations
  • The conversations that can happen in mentorships, if we act on them, they can change our lives and change the lives of those around us