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Men of Iron Podcast

Be the Boss | EP. 91

“Decide now to do less and be more present! // Chad Zueck

On EP. 91 of the Men of Iron Podcast we are talking about being the boss of your life. We live in a world that demands productivity, goals, social connections, and high achieving. We move so fast that sometimes we find it impossible to slow down and appreciate where we are, what we’re doing or who we are doing it with. But that’s about to CHANGE as we talk about slowing down before things speed up.

“Every time you say yes you are making a choice to speed up or slow down your life. Choose Wisely.” // Chad Zueck

Lookin for a change of pace and a change of place? It’s time to head to the mountains with a group of like-minded men for community, solitude, and a much-needed reset. It’s time for an Equilibrium retreat. Equilibrium is a 6-month small group mentorship experience that is kicked off with a weekend retreat. Helping men restore balance in their lives. Check out for more info!


  • We live in a world that demands productivity, goals, social connections, and high achieving.
  • We often move so fast that sometimes we find it impossible to slow down and appreciate where we are
  • On EP. 91 we talk about slowing down before things speed up
  • We aren’t stuck. We could go with another option. Slow down before life speeds up.
  • Every time you say yes you are making a choice to speed up or slow down your life. Choose Wisely.
  • Be the boss of your life. You set your own schedule.
  • The holidays often bring more stress, irritability, bad eating choices and a lot of busyness!
  • Eventually, when we live our lives at breakneck speed, we become angry, depressed, and are more prone to getting sick. 
  • Decide now to do less, be more present, disconnect from social media, don’t focus on going places, eat to enjoy, get outside, get some exercise, and create new traditions!
  • Your schedule is your choice. Your pace is within your grasp.Be the boss of your life.