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The Men of Iron Minute

by Chad Zueck | Director of Content Creation

The Future is Death and Dying

The grisly title “The Future is Death and Dying” is intended to be a shock to the system. Many authors, poets, artists, and philosophers have written on the subject from a functional standpoint, others from a purposeful standpoint, and today, we briefly dig into both. A more subdued title could have been “What takes your time?” but that’s a bit less gripping. Perhaps a better title would be “What wastes your time?”, but thereto, that lacked teeth. Thomas A Kempis wrote this reminder, “In every thought and every deed, act as though you were to die this day.” His goal is not morbidity. His goal is a mission. His goal is to inspire and offer wisdom to men that can get caught up in minuscule arguments and unnecessary things. Every device and hobby is designed to be an unquenchable drain of time and resources, and wise men know that. They decide ahead of time that our culture gives a cornucopia of ideas and reasons to do this or do that, and that “acting as though we were going to die this day” means we don’t take the bait. We don’t take the shiny lure at the end of the cultural SpiderWire; instead, we survey our life, purpose, and calling and divvy up our time and energy as if every moment and action matters.

A life without intention is like a man who thinks he will live forever, and that fallacy is worth destroying. “All men are destined to die once,” said a wise author. A man who lives knowing he will not live forever is driven by greater willpower and willingness to improve his faith, family, fitness, finances, and friendships. We have an action plan for guy’s taking this to heart. Click here to take an assessment and create goals around your newfound perspective to “act as though you were to die this day.”


The future holds death and dying, and living requires faith and action.


Dare greatly.

Live humbly.

Be a better man.




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