
All throughout the Bible, men are held accountable to God and others. Romans 14:12 says we will not escape accountability. It’s time for Godly men to embrace it.
Romans 14:12 – So then, each of us will give an account of himself to God.
Accountability requires a willingness to get uncomfortable. For accountability to be active, a man must be intentional, transparent and humble – traits men struggle to embrace.
Many men believe accountability is a result of Christian friendship, but that’s rarely the case. Men’s initiatives and men’s ministries in churches often fail because leaders of men strive to make men comfortable. The result is a low degree of accountability.
Men and leaders of men must first understand the varying degrees of accountability. Men of Iron provides options for men and men’s ministries to experience the varying degrees of accountability through our tools and training for growth in the areas of faith, family, friends, fitness and finances.

Level 1
Self Accountability
Self-accountability is when a man is accountable to God and himself. It requires a high-level of self-discipline and the ability to execute God’s plans without accountability from a small group or mentor. Men of Iron provides this type of accountability to men through our FREE RESOURCES, including the Discipline Restore(d) 30-Day Devo, My 5F Action Plan and more! As well as the Men of Iron Podcast and the Men of Iron Minute. While these resources are a great start and can help a you grow, it shouldn’t end there. Level 1 accountability often starts with you and ends with you.
Do you have more questions about this level of accountability? Contact us for more info!
Level 2
Small Group Accountability
Small group accountability is when a man is accountable to God and a group of 5-12 men. It requires an intentional Godly leader who takes initiative in leading a small group of men. Men of Iron provides this type of accountability to men through the Anchoredman Bootcamp and Equilibrium. This level of accountability is possible when a small group leader takes charge by establishing the standards and expectations. Most men are willing to commit to a small group when the right kind of leader takes charge of the group. Level 2 accountability can result in multiple men growing in their faith, family, friends, fitness and finances, which often multiplies new leaders of men.
Do you have more questions about this level of accountability? Contact us for more info!

Level 3
Micro-Group Accountability
Micro group accountability – Micro group accountability is when a man is accountable to God, a mentor and 1-2 peers. Micro groups are led by a mentor with a desire to lead 2-3 proteges at a time. Men of Iron provides this type of accountability to men through Strong27™. While the mentor takes responsibility for leading the group, the protégés often hold one another accountable. A micro group setting assures more growth in a man’s faith, family, friends, fitness and finances and is very effective in multiplying new mentors to lead future micro groups.
Do you have more questions about this level of accountability? Contact us for more info!
Level 4
1-to-1 Accountability
1-to-1 accountability is when a man is accountable to God and a mentor. 1-to-1 mentorship not only provides the highest degree of accountability but is also effective in helping a protégé restore balance and experience spiritual growth. Men of Iron provides this type of accountability to men through our Strong27™ and Executive Mentorship experiences. Strong27™ was designed for EVERY man who desires accountability, balance and spiritual growth. 1-to-1 mentorship is the most effective form of mentorship. Strong27™ requires a 12-month commitment with 2 meetings per month. Providing you the best opportunity to Know God, Know Your Purpose and Know Each Other. Executive Mentorships are designed for marketplace leaders looking for accountability, balance and spiritual growth, with an intentional focus on growing in their faith, family, friends, fitness and finances.
Do you have more questions about this level of accountability? Contact us for more info!